
8 days of Adventure!
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The GR221 Trekking Trail is the longest trekking trail in Mallorca. The Serra de Tramuntana has an extensive network of trails. Some hiking trails run along the old connecting paths between the places. They are from the Arab period (1000 years ago) and are partially paved with stone. Others follow the charcoal wagon paths and old mule paths to remote farms or watchtowers. The GR221 or “Pedra en Sec – Route of the dry stone walls” runs through more than 160 km of old cobbled roads that used to connect villages and properties on the mountain.

Accommodation: Hotel Son Borguny

Mallorcas Montain villages: From Estellencs to Banyalbufar

▲: 400 m                                                                        ▼: 450 m                                                                 Distance: ca. 10 km                                                                   Time: ca. 4h.

Accommodation: Hotel Son Borguny

Esporles to Valldemossa

▲: 650 m                                                                        ▼: 420 m                                                                 Distance: ca. 9km                                                                       Time: ca. 4h.

Accommodation: Es Petithotel Valldemossa

Valldemossa by Deia a Soller

▲: 460 m                                                                   ▼: 480 m                                                                     Distance: ca. 13 km                                                                      Time: ca. 3.5 h.

Accommodation: Hotel Soller Plaza

Through the Biniaraix ravine to the Tossals Verds refuge

▲: 940 m                                                                 ▼: 360 m                                                                      Distance: ca. 16 km                                                                        Time: ca. 7.5 Std.

Accommodation: Refugio Tossals Verds

Tossals Verds – Santuari de Lluc

▲: 830 m                                                               ▼: ca. 800 m                                                                Distance: ca. 16 km                                                                          Time: ca. 5.5 Std.

Accommodation: Santuari of Lluc

Lluc to Pollenca

▲: 500 m                                                             ▼: 700 m                                                                           Distance: ca. 19.5 km                                                                      Time: ca. 5 Std.

Accommodation: Hotel Son San Jordi


If you need on the GR221 Trekking an double room, here you can book it.